office Hana Blogs

office Hana / Quality consulting

What Are the Basic Assumptions of Accounting? / 會計的基本假設是什麼? / 会計の基礎的前提とは?

Listed in English, Formosan, and Japanese in that order.
Please note that this is an automatic translation.



What Are the Basic Assumptions of Accounting?

Hello, I’m Iori Ito from office Hana. Today, I’d like to share some fundamental accounting knowledge that is crucial for small business owners, based on the second lecture, "Basic Assumptions of Accounting," from the Open University course "Modern Accounting." Understanding these assumptions can enhance the transparency and efficiency of your business operations, so please read on.

Basic Assumptions of Accounting
When conducting accounting, there are certain prerequisites that must be established in advance. These are the foundational elements of accounting, often referred to as accounting conventions. The three primary assumptions are:
1. Identification of the Accounting Entity
2. Setting the Accounting Period
3. Determining the Measurement Unit

Identification of the Accounting Entity
Identifying the accounting entity means defining the scope of the economic entity that will be recorded. For example, in the case of a sole proprietorship, it is necessary to distinguish between the business assets and personal assets. To accurately assess the business performance, it is important to establish the business assets as the accounting entity and treat personal assets as a separate entity.

Setting the Accounting Period
Setting the accounting period involves designating a specific period for accounting purposes. Typically, a one-year period is used. This allows for the tracking of performance and financial status over time. For instance, in Japan, many companies set their accounting period from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.

Determining the Measurement Unit
Determining the measurement unit involves deciding the unit of measure for the size and changes of assets belonging to the accounting entity. In accounting, monetary units are used to record changes in assets. This ensures a consistent understanding of asset changes and facilitates easy comparison and aggregation of accounting information.

The Importance of Accounting and Its Impact on Management
Understanding the basic assumptions of accounting enables accurate assessment of a company's financial status and supports appropriate decision-making. For small business owners, the following points are particularly important:

1. Improved Transparency: Accurately recording and disclosing accounting information enhances business transparency. This builds trust and reliability, attracting confidence from partners and investors.
2. Efficient Management: By appropriately setting the accounting period and regularly reviewing financial status, management efficiency can be improved. Resources can be focused on high-performing departments, and necessary measures can be taken for areas needing improvement.
3. Strengthened Financial Management: Using monetary units for measurement allows for unified management of asset changes. This helps in understanding cash flow and reducing waste.

Understanding the basic assumptions of accounting is essential for maintaining business health. Take this opportunity to review your company’s accounting practices and strengthen your management capabilities. At office Hana, we are committed to fully supporting your business. If you have any concerns, please feel free to consult us. We hope this blog provides valuable information for small business owners. Stay tuned for our next post!

Note: Accounting conventions are fundamental principles and assumptions that must be adhered to when conducting accounting. These ensure the consistency, comparability, and reliability of accounting information, serving as the foundation for creating and reporting financial data.



大家好,我是office Hana的伊藤庵。今天,我想分享一些對中小企業主來說至關重要的會計基礎知識,這些知識來自放送大學課程“現代會計”中的第二講“會計的基本假設”。理解這些假設可以提高您的業務透明度和效率,請繼續閱讀。

1. 會計主體的確定
2. 會計期間的設置
3. 測量單位的確定





1. 提高透明度: 準確記錄和披露會計信息可以提高企業的透明度。這建立了信任和可靠性,吸引合作夥伴和投資者的信心。
2. 高效管理: 通過適當設置會計期間並定期檢查財務狀況,可以提高管理效率。資源可以集中在表現良好的部門,對需要改進的部門採取適當措施。
3. 加強財務管理: 使用貨幣單位進行測量可以統一管理資產變動。這有助於理解資金流動並減少浪費。

理解會計的基本假設對於保持業務健康至關重要。藉此機會,請審視貴公司的會計實踐並加強您的管理能力。office Hana致力於全力支持您的業務。如果您有任何疑問,請隨時與我們聯繫。我們希望這篇博客能為中小企業主提供有價值的信息。敬請期待我們的下一篇文章!

註: 會計公準是指在進行會計時必須遵守的基本原則和前提條件。這些確保了會計信息的一致性、可比性和可靠性,並為創建和報告財務數據奠定了基礎。



こんにちは、office Hanaの伊藤庵です。本日は、放送大学の講義「現代の会計」第2回「会計の基礎的前提」を基に、中小企業経営者の皆様にとって重要な会計の基礎知識をご紹介します。会計の前提を理解することで、経営の透明性と効率性を向上させることができますので、ぜひお読みください。

1. 会計主体の確定
2. 会計期間の設定
3. 測定単位の設定





1. 透明性の向上: 会計情報を正確に記録し、公開することで、企業の透明性が向上します。これにより、信頼性が高まり、取引先や投資家からの信頼を得ることができます。
2. 効率的な経営: 会計期間を適切に設定し、定期的に財務状況を確認することで、経営の効率化が図れます。業績の良い部門にリソースを集中させ、改善が必要な部門には適切な対策を講じることができます。
3. 財務管理の強化: 測定単位を貨幣とすることで、財産の増減を一元的に管理できます。これにより、資金の流れを把握し、無駄を削減することが可能です。

会計の基礎的前提を理解することは、経営の健全性を保つために欠かせません。これを機に、ぜひ自社の会計管理を見直し、経営力を強化してください。office Hanaでは、皆様の経営を全力でサポートいたしますので、何かお困りのことがあればお気軽にご相談ください。



office Hana An / 小庵

office Hana - office Hana

Quality Consultant / 品質顧問 / 品質コンサルタント

I have been involved in hardware design for electrical products for 20 years and have provided quality control guidance for electrical components for 10 years.
Through quality control guidance, manufacturing process audits, and support in problem-solving, I lead clients' businesses to growth.

我從事電子產品硬體設計已有 20 年,並且擔任電氣元件品質控制指導已有 10 年。
