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Familiar Statistics (10) / 熟悉的统计学 (10) / 身近な統計 (10)


Listed in English, Chinese, and Japanese in that order.

Please note that this is an automatic translation.





Familiar Statistics (10)

The fascinating world of statistics surrounds us, even in ways we might not immediately recognize. I recently had the chance to immerse myself in the 10th episode of "Everyday Statistics" from Japan's Broadcasting University, and here's what I learned.

Estimating the Big Picture from Small Clues

When dealing with a large set of data – what statisticians refer to as the 'population' – it's often impractical to analyze every single data point. Instead, we draw a 'sample' and analyze it. Based on this analysis, we then make educated guesses (or 'estimates') about the entire population.

This analysis often involves deriving 'sample ratios' and, from them, estimating 'population ratios'.

Understanding Sample Distribution

There are several interesting points to remember about sample distributions:

  1. The average of the sample distribution matches the average of the population.
  2. The variance in the sample distribution is σ^2/n (where σ is the standard deviation of the population and n is the sample size).
  3. If the population data follows a normal distribution (bell curve), then the sample distribution will also be a normal distribution.
  4. If the sample size is sufficiently large, the sample distribution will approximate a normal distribution regardless of the population distribution's shape. This is known as the Central Limit Theorem.

The key? Always ensure that you're pulling your sample randomly, a principle called 'random sampling'.

Navigating Standard Errors

The standard error (SE) denotes the standard deviation of a standard distribution. A standard error of ±1.96SE corresponds to 95% accuracy, while ±2.58SE corresponds to 99% accuracy.

Estimation Types

  • Point Estimation: This is a single number, an estimate of a parameter.

  • Interval Estimation: Instead of guessing a specific number, you'd estimate a range. For a 95% confidence level, the sample error is calculated as 1.96σ/√n. If σ is unknown, we replace it with the sample standard deviation (s). Thus, the error becomes t(n-1, 0.05) x s / √n.

  • Estimating Population Ratios: When our sample size is large enough, the sample ratio distribution can be approximated with a normal distribution. Its standard deviation becomes √[p(1-p)] / √n, and a 95% confidence sample error is 1.96√[p(1-p)] / √n.

Public Opinion Surveys by Yomiuri Shimbun

Japan's renowned Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper periodically conducts public opinion surveys. Some insights into their methodology include:

  • Regular Surveys: These are conducted monthly via phone, among others through mail.

  • Election Times: During elections, they conduct election situation surveys over the phone and face-to-face exit polls at voting venues.

  • Phone Surveys: The approach is known as Random Digital Dialing. Starting in 2016, they began including both landlines and mobile phones in their surveys.

  • Mail Surveys: These allow respondents to think deeply about their answers to many questions. The process includes an announcement, the survey itself, a follow-up survey, and finally a token of appreciation.

  • Exit Polls: During general elections for the House of Representatives, they survey around 80,000 people across Japan, following certain preset rules.

Understanding how data is collected and interpreted is essential in our data-driven world, and statistics provide the tools we need to make sense of it all. Whether it's public opinion, market trends, or scientific research, the principles remain consistent, ensuring the reliability and validity of the results.


熟悉的统计学 (10)





  1. 样本分布的平均值与母集团的平均值相匹配。
  2. 样本分布的方差是σ^2/n,标准偏差是σ/√n。
  3. 如果母集团的数据呈正态分布,那么样本分布也会是正态分布。
  4. 当样本量足够大时,不论母集团分布的形状如何,样本分布都会呈正态分布,这就是中心极限定理。





  • 点推测 是对参数的单一数值估计。

  • 区间推测 则提供一个范围作为估计值。例如,对于95%的置信度,样本误差为1.96σ/√n。如果σ未知,则使用样本标准偏差s来代替,误差变为t(n-1, 0.05) x s / √n。






身近な統計 (10)





  • 標本のデータのばらつきは、平均μと標準偏差σ/√nによって表されます。
  • 標本分布の平均は、母集団の平均と一致します。
  • 標本分布の分散はσ^2/n、標準偏差はσ/√nです。
  • もし母集団のデータが正規分布であれば、標本分布も正規分布になります。
  • 標本数が十分大きい場合、母集団の形状に関係なく、標本分布は正規分布となるというのが中心極限定理です。










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