office Hana Blogs

office Hana / Quality consulting

Familiar Statistics (7) / 熟悉的统计学 (7) / 身近な統計 (7)


Listed in English, Chinese, and Japanese in that order.

Please note that this is an automatic translation.





Familiar Statistics (7)

Statistics is everywhere - from rain probability, batting averages in baseball, failure rates of machinery, to mortality rates. It's the mathematical tool to manage uncertainty, divided into descriptive statistics, detailing data, and inferential statistics, making predictions.

One cornerstone of statistics is probability, encapsulating empirical, mathematical, and subjective viewpoints. Probability variables can be discrete, where probabilities add up to one, or continuous, where probabilities form an area summing to one. These variables have significant characteristics, such as expected value (mean) and variance.

Consider the binomial distribution, based on a Bernoulli experiment, like flipping a coin, with only two possible outcomes. It defines the distribution of successful outcomes (X) in 'n' trials with success probability 'p'. Its mean is np, variance is np(1-p), and standard deviation is √np(1-p).

Interestingly, these principles apply to weather forecasting. The Meteorological Agency collects observational data, feeds it into supercomputers to predict future weather, creating forecasts. They model various physical phenomena on earth, making numerical predictions, and calculate rain probability based on previous numerical forecasts and actual rainfall. Ensemble forecasts are used for more extended predictions, like typhoons or seasonal forecasts, due to decreasing accuracy over time in numerical predictions.

Thus, the binomial distribution and statistics overall offer potent tools for understanding our world, from daily life to scientific predictions.


熟悉的统计学 (7)



以伯努利试验为例,这是一个只有两种结果的实验,如抛硬币。基于这样的试验,我们可以得出二项分布:在n次试验中,成功的次数X,其概率分布为P(X=x)=nCx p^x (1-p)^(n-x)。其中,平均值为np,方差为np(1-p),标准差为√np(1-p)。




身近な統計 (7)




ここで二項分布を考えてみましょう。二項分布は、成功確率がpであるベルヌーイ実験をn回行ったとき、成功回数Xが従う分布を表します。その形式はP(X=x)=nCx p^x (1-p)^(n-x)と表され、ここでnCxはパターンの数、p^x (1-p)^(n-x)はパターンが起こる確率を表します。二項分布の平均はnp、分散はnp(1-p)、そして標準偏差は√np(1-p)で計算できます。





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