office Hana Blogs

office Hana / Quality consulting

Management informatics (9) / 管理信息学 (9) / 経営情報学 (9)


Listed in English, Chinese, and Japanese in that order.

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Management informatics (9)

Hello everyone! In today's blog, we will dive deep into understanding the knowledge and thought processes necessary for planning, constructing, and operating information systems - a significant aspect of Business Information Systems.

Firstly, what does it mean to "create a system"? Systems, by nature, are not tangible entities. Therefore, capturing a completed system's overall image and work process in concrete terms is a complex task. Additionally, the organization itself is an information processing system. It's essential to decide what tasks are performed by humans and what tasks are delegated to computers.

Next, let's explore the process of system development, known as the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC):

  1. Planning: Clarify the purpose and effects, and decide whether to proceed with the development considering the costs.
  2. Specification Determination: Develop a workflow and decide what tasks the system will handle. At this stage, it's crucial for the users and developers to share information to ensure that the developed system aligns with the users' actual needs.
  3. Design: The design phase involves external design (interface design, code design, subsystem design, logical data design, etc.), internal design (function partitioning, input/output design, physical data design, file design), and program design (definition of program description, program design documentation).
  4. Programming: This step includes coding, debugging, and unit testing.
  5. Testing: The testing process involves unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing, evaluation, and acceptance. As illustrated in the V-model, if problems arise in the later tests, it may be necessary to return to the previous design process. Approximately 30-50% of the entire process is devoted to testing.

Concerning development methodologies, there are several approaches. The Waterfall Model progresses from the upstream process to the downstream process without going back, making it easier for providers to estimate costs. On the other hand, methods like Prototyping, Spiral Model, and Agile Development assume repetitive processes, making cost estimation difficult. JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) also has a standard called the Common Frame.

Lastly, let's touch on the evaluation of IT investments. It's important to evaluate whether the effects obtained (including operation and maintenance) are worth the investment. Evaluation methods include the Pay Back method (payback period), the Discounted Cash Flow method and Net Present Value method (profit amount and time value), and the Internal Rate of Return method and Return on Investment method (rate of return).

That covers the basics of Business Information Systems' development and management. By understanding and delving into these topics, you will be better equipped to succeed in system development. Stay tuned for our next blog!


管理信息学 (9)




  1. 规划:明确目标和效果,决定是否包括成本来推进开发。
  2. 确定规格:建立业务流程,确定系统将处理哪些任务。在这个阶段,用户和开发者之间需要共享信息,以确保最终实现的系统与用户的真实需求相符。
  3. 设计:设计阶段包括外部设计(接口设计,代码设计,子系统设计,逻辑数据设计等)、内部设计(功能划分,输入/输出设计,物理数据设计,文件设计)以及程序设计(程序描述定义,程序设计文档)。
  4. 编程:这一步包括编码,调试和单元测试。
  5. 测试:测试过程包括单元测试、集成测试、系统测试、验收测试、评估和验收。如V型模型所示,如果在后期测试中出现问题,可能需要回到先前的设计过程。整个过程中约有30-50%的时间会用于测试。





経営情報学 (9)




  1. 計画:目的と効果を明確にし、費用を含め開発を進めるか決めます。
  2. 仕様策定:業務フローを作り、システムで処理する項目を決めます。この段階でユーザーと開発業者とが情報を共有し、求められる成果物に齟齬がないようにします。
  3. 設計:外部設計(インターフェイス設計、コード設計、サブシステム設計、論理データ設計等)、内部設計(機能分割、入出力設計・物理データ設計、ファイル設計)、プログラム設計(プログラム記述の定義、プログラム設計書)を行います。
  4. プログラミング:コーディング、デバッグ単体テストを行います。
  5. テスト:単体テスト結合テスト、総合テスト、受入テスト、評価・検収を行います。V字モデルのように、テストで問題が見つかると設計の前工程に戻ることがあります。テストは全体の約3~5割を占め、非常に重要な工程です。


最後に、情報化投資と評価について触れておきましょう。投資に見合った効果(運用や保守も含めて)が得られたかを評価するために、Pay Back法(回収期間)、Discounted Cash Flow法やNet Present Value法(利益額と時間価値)、Internal Rate of Return法やReturn on Investment法(回収率)などの方法が使われます。



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