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office Hana / Quality consulting

Modern Internal Auditing (11) / 现代内部审计 (11) / 現代の内部監査 (11)


Listed in English, Chinese, and Japanese in that order.

Please note that this is an automatic translation.





Modern Internal Auditing (11)

When we hear about global businesses, we often think about their international presence. However, managing overseas operations brings its own set of challenges, especially in the realm of internal auditing. Inspired by the recent episode of "Modern Internal Audits (11)" broadcasted on the Open University of Japan, let's delve deeper into the intricacies of internal auditing in foreign subsidiaries.

Global Companies and the Need for Overseas Internal Audits

With the globalization of businesses, many corporations have extended their reach beyond their home countries. These expansions can occur in various ways: establishing a new company, acquiring an existing company, or entering into joint ventures with local businesses. While this offers companies a broader market base, it also poses unique challenges, especially when it comes to internal auditing.

Points of Attention during Audits

Diverse cultural norms, varying local laws and regulations, and unique risks intrinsic to specific regions can pose challenges to internal auditors. Due diligence is crucial, especially when acquiring an existing company. Overlooking potential fraud or misconduct risks during the acquisition phase, either due to inadequate due diligence or ineffective corporate governance after the acquisition, can have serious repercussions.

Risks of Fraud in Overseas Subsidiaries

One of the pressing concerns is the increased likelihood of fraud. With less stringent checks from the parent company, fraudulent activities might not only occur more frequently but also remain undetected, escalating the issue. Factors like:

  • Ineffective monitoring within business departments
  • Sales or profit-oriented human resources/evaluation systems
  • Absence of executives from the parent company
  • Continuous deficit
  • Low significance given to the foreign subsidiary

can all contribute to this risk. Such fraud can have profound societal impacts, including legal violations and risks of damage claims. For instance, falsifying product quality or data manipulation can lead to contract violations, severe accidents, liabilities, and even criminal responsibility.

Auditing Infrastructure in Foreign Subsidiaries

Before starting an audit, especially in a joint venture scenario, it’s essential to ascertain if the parent company has the right to conduct the audit. Decisions on whether to follow a standalone or combined audit, and the standards to be employed, also need to be made.

When auditors from the parent company conduct the audit, while the reliability is higher, it’s challenging to maintain continuous monitoring. Conversely, when the subsidiary takes charge, continuous monitoring becomes feasible at a lower cost, but at the risk of decreased reliability.

Audit Process in Foreign Subsidiaries

  1. Preliminary Investigation: Collect and analyze data, set audit items, and allocate audit resources effectively.
  2. Preparation: Arrange logistics like room allocation, schedule meetings, and procure necessary materials.
  3. Main Investigation: Includes interviews with the president, accountants, business department heads, external contractors, and accounting firms. Key audit items comprise business regulations, transaction accounting records, asset management, information management, and employee interactions.

However, there are some challenges to note:

  • What might be illegal or fraudulent in Japan might not be viewed similarly overseas. For instance, the 36 Agreement is unique to Japan.
  • Language barriers: Interpreters are crucial. Using local employees can lead to conflicts post-audit with local superiors, while using general interpreters demands ensuring their understanding of specialized terms and maintaining confidentiality.
  • Handling matters not to be left undone locally: Physical verification of assets, interviews with local accounting firms, addressing facts uncovered locally.
  • Audit evidence includes inspections, interviews, and records.

Concluding the audit with a local briefing session is essential, though it's not the final result.

Cultivating International Skills among Internal Auditors

For effective overseas internal audits, auditors must possess an international perspective and judgment capabilities. Holding international qualifications such as CIA, CRMA, and CCSA can be beneficial.

In summary, while expanding globally offers companies unprecedented opportunities, it also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially in maintaining integrity and transparency. Effective internal audits can be a robust tool in ensuring that companies navigate these challenges successfully.


现代内部审计 (11)


  1. 海外子公司的收购与内部审计
    • 收购方式:独立设立、购买现有公司、与当地企业合资。
    • 需要注意的是:法规、文化和习俗的差异;特定的情况和风险;合作方的经营、业绩、价值和风险的研究。
    • 遭遇的问题:收购时存在的不正当风险可能被忽略;收购后的风险可能显现出来。
  2. 海外子公司的不正当风险
    • 由于母公司的监管不足,不正当行为容易发生且难以发现。
    • 不正当行为的因素:业务管理不佳;人事评价制度过于注重销售和利润;管理团队中缺乏母公司的派遣员工;持续的亏损;子公司的重要性被低估。
  3. 海外子公司的内部审计制度
    • 在与合资公司合作时,需要预先确认审计权,选择独立审计还是合作审计,以及按照哪种审计标准执行。
    • 由母公司派员执行的优点是信赖度高,但难以持续监控;由子公司自己执行的优点是成本低且易于持续监控,但信赖度可能不高。
  4. 海外子公司的审计过程
    • 预先调查:数据和信息的收集和分析、审计项目的设置、审计资源的分配。
    • 实地审计:与公司高层、会计、业务部门负责人、外部合作伙伴和会计审计机构进行访谈。
  5. 内部审计员的国际化能力培养
    • 为审计员提供“保障”:提高其判断能力。
    • 获得国际资格,如CIA、CRMA、CCSA等。



現代の内部監査 (11)




  1. 単独で新しく子会社を設立
  2. 既存の会社を買収
  3. 現地企業と合弁して新会社を設立




  • 事業部内でのモニタリングが効果的に機能していない場合
  • 人事や評価制度が売上や利益を優先している場合
  • 経営陣に親会社からの出向者がいない場合
  • 赤字が継続している場合
  • 海外子会社の重要度が低い場合










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