office Hana Blogs

office Hana / Quality consulting

Management is the Key to Quality Improvement / 管理是品質改進的關鍵 / マネジメントが品質改善の鍵

Listed in English, Formosan, and Japanese in that order.
Please note that this is an automatic translation.



Management is the Key to Quality Improvement

How to Successfully Achieve Quality Improvement

Quality improvement is essential for enhancing a company's competitiveness and increasing customer satisfaction. However, many companies fail in this endeavor. Why is that? In this discussion, we will explore specific approaches to successfully achieving quality improvement.

In Summary

To solve quality issues and achieve successful improvement, "management participation from everyone" is crucial. Improvement projects succeed only when everyone, not just the executives, participates and takes responsibility. When the entire organization works together, overall quality improves, leading to increased profits.

Key Points for Success

1. Lack of Management Leads to Failure
   Without active management, improvement activities are unlikely to succeed. Executives and managers must demonstrate strong leadership and create an environment where everyone strives toward the same goal. Improvement activities should be ongoing, not one-time efforts. This requires executives to understand the importance of improvement and actively engage in the process.

2. The Importance of Full Participation
   Improvement activities need the involvement of all employees, not just executives and managers. Everyone must be aware of issues, understand their roles, and take responsibility. This collective effort enhances overall quality. To achieve this, improvement activities should be organized into projects with clear structure and responsibilities. Clarifying the 5W1H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How) and especially defining "Who" for everyone involved is key to success.

3. Motivational Management
   Executives and managers need to manage motivation so that everyone actively participates in improvement activities. It's essential to convey that these activities are not just part of regular duties but contribute to the company's overall growth and development. When employees understand the significance of their roles and contributions, take pride in their work, and feel motivated, the effectiveness of improvement activities is maximized.

4. Clear Organization and Responsibility
   By structuring improvement activities as projects and clearly defining roles and responsibilities, everyone can better understand their part. This facilitates effective progress and enables early detection and resolution of issues. Regular progress checks and feedback help maintain the continuity of improvement activities, thereby enhancing the overall quality of the organization.


Successful quality improvement requires the participation of everyone in management. When executives lead and all employees work together, the organization's overall quality improves, ultimately leading to profit. Improvement activities should be continuous, not one-off efforts. This underscores the importance of motivational management by executives and managers. When everyone understands the importance of their roles and contributions and takes pride in their work, the company's competitiveness increases, and customer satisfaction improves.

Let's practice inclusive management and work together on quality improvement. This is the path to sustainable growth and success for your company.








1. 缺乏管理會導致失敗

2. 全員參與的重要性
   改進活動需要所有員工的參與,而不僅僅是高層和管理人員。每個人都必須意識到問題,了解自己的角色並承擔責任。這種集體努力能提高整體品質。為了達成這一點,改進活動應該以項目形式組織,並明確結構和責任。明確5W1H(Who, What, When, Where, Why, How),特別是定義「誰」對每個參與者來說是成功的關鍵。

3. 動機管理

4. 明確的組織和責任









1. マネジメントの不在は失敗を招く
2. 全員参加の重要性
   改善活動は、経営者や管理者だけでなく、全社員が参加することが必要です。全員が問題意識を持ち、自分の役割を理解し、責任を持って取り組むことで、初めて全体の品質が向上します。このためには、改善活動をプロジェクト化し、組織と責任を明確にすることが重要です。5W1H(Who, What, When, Where, Why, How)を明確にし、特に「Who」を全員に設定することが成功の鍵となります。
3. 動機付けのマネジメント
4. 組織と責任の明確化





office Hana An / 小庵
office Hana
Quality Engineer / 品質工程師 / 品質エンジニア
I have been involved in hardware design for electrical products for 20 years and have provided quality control guidance for electrical components for 10 years.
Through quality control guidance, manufacturing process audits, and support in problem-solving, I lead clients' businesses to growth.
我從事電子產品硬體設計已有 20 年,並且擔任電氣元件品質控制指導已有 10 年。