office Hana Blogs

office Hana / Quality consulting

How Does Holistic Optimization Transform a Company? / 整體最佳化如何改變公司? / 全体最適で企業はどう変わる?

Listed in English, Formosan, and Japanese in that order.
Please note that this is an automatic translation.



How Does Holistic Optimization Transform a Company?

How Does Quality Improvement Lead to Profit?

In business management, quality improvement is an unavoidable challenge. However, it is crucial to aim for holistic optimization rather than partial optimization. This article explores methods to address quality issues from a holistic perspective and link them to profitability.

The Bottom Line

To solve quality issues, aiming for "holistic optimization" is essential. By pursuing holistic rather than partial optimization, you can enhance the overall efficiency of your company and ultimately maximize profits.

Key Points for Holistic Optimization

1. Why Solve the Problem?
   The first step is to clearly define the purpose of solving the quality issue. This is about finding the answer to "Why?". The reason a company addresses quality problems is to enhance Customer Satisfaction (CS) and ultimately increase profits. This aligns with the market-in approach, which requires providing products or services that meet customer needs.

2. Why Make a Profit?
   Understanding the reason for making a profit is also important. The goal is not just to generate profit but to understand how to utilize it. Profits should be used as a means to realize the company’s philosophy, the founder’s vision, and the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In other words, CS (Customer Satisfaction) is a means to make a profit, while CSR is the purpose of making a profit.

3. Understanding the Risks of Partial Optimization
   Partial optimization occurs when individuals or departments pursue their own goals, leading to a state where overall optimization is not achieved. This can lead to significant losses for the company. The phrase "can’t see the forest for the trees" describes this situation well, where the overall performance of the company declines. For instance, if the manufacturing department prioritizes cost-cutting above all else, it may result in decreased quality and increased customer complaints.

4. Approach for Holistic Optimization
   To achieve holistic optimization, the following steps are important:
   - Setting Company-wide Goals: Prevent partial optimization by ensuring all employees work towards common goals. This requires clearly defining the company’s vision and mission and making sure they are understood by all employees.
   - Enhancing Communication: Promote information sharing between departments to understand the overall situation, enabling efficient problem-solving.
   - Continuous Improvement: Utilize the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle to engage in ongoing improvement activities. This approach aims for the fundamental resolution of quality issues.

Addressing quality issues from a holistic optimization perspective is the key to maximizing company profits. By avoiding partial optimization, sharing company-wide goals, and promoting a company-wide approach, you can increase customer satisfaction and, consequently, profits. Quality improvement is not merely about cost-cutting but a crucial element that supports the long-term growth of a company.

Let’s aim for holistic optimization and work together on quality improvement. This is the path to sustainable growth and success for your company.








1. 為何要解決問題?

2. 為何要賺取利潤?

3. 理解局部最佳化的風險

4. 整體最佳化的方法
   - 設定公司整體目標:通過確保所有員工朝著共同目標努力,防止局部最佳化。這需要明確公司的願景和使命,並使其為所有員工所理解。
   - 加強溝通:促進部門間的信息共享,了解整體情況,從而實現高效的問題解決。
   - 持續改進:利用PDCA(計劃-執行-檢查-行動)循環,進行持續的改進活動。這種方法旨在從根本上解決品質問題。








1. 何のために問題を解決するのか?
   品質問題を解決する目的を明確にすることが最初のステップです。これは「Why?」に対する答えを見つけることです。企業が品質問題を解決する理由は、顧客満足(CS:Customer Satisfaction)を高め、最終的には利益を上げるためです。これはマーケットインの考え方で、顧客のニーズに応じた製品やサービスを提供することが求められます。
2. 何のためにもうけるのか?
   もうける理由を理解することも重要です。利益を上げること自体が目的ではなく、その利益をどのように活用するかが重要です。経営理念や創業者の意志、企業が社会において果たすべき責任(CSR:Corporate Social Responsibility)を実現するための手段として、利益を上げる必要があります。つまり、CS(顧客満足)はもうけるための手段であり、CSRはもうける目的です。
3. 部分最適のリスクを理解する
4. 全体最適のためのアプローチ
   - 全社的な目標設定:全社員が共通の目標に向かって努力することで、部分最適を防ぎます。これには、企業のビジョンやミッションを明確にし、全社員に浸透させることが必要です。
   - コミュニケーションの強化:部門間の情報共有を促進し、全体の状況を把握することで、効率的な問題解決が可能となります。
   - 継続的改善:PDCAサイクル(Plan-Do-Check-Act)を活用し、継続的な改善活動を行います。これにより、品質問題の根本的な解決を目指します。






office Hana An / 小庵
office Hana

Quality Engineer / 品質工程師 / 品質エンジニア
I have been involved in hardware design for electrical products for 20 years and have provided quality control guidance for electrical components for 10 years.
Through quality control guidance, manufacturing process audits, and support in problem-solving, I lead clients' businesses to growth.
我從事電子產品硬體設計已有 20 年,並且擔任電氣元件品質控制指導已有 10 年。