office Hana Blogs

office Hana / Quality consulting

Supply Chain Management (3) / 供应链管理 (3) / サプライチェーンマネジメント (3)

Listed in English, Chinese, and Japanese in that order.
Please note that this is an automatic translation.



Supply Chain Management (3)

A recent Open University of Japan lecture took me deep into the realm of product development within supply chain strategy. It highlighted the stark contrast between standard products and new products. The former relies on a push strategy due to stable demand and a long life cycle, yet grapples with differentiation difficulties, fierce competition, and thin profit margins. In contrast, new products deal with unstable demand and shorter life cycles, but have the edge of being easily distinguishable with less competition and higher profit margins.

In this landscape, product development performance hinges on the QCD (Quality, Cost, Delivery) approach. Key factors include total product competitiveness, development productivity, and development lead time. These elements improve customer satisfaction, respond to uncertainty and customer needs, and handle competitive instability respectively.

The product development process comprises two supply chains – inter-company and intra-company. The former involves suppliers, finished product manufacturers, distributors, and customers. The latter follows a sequence from product concept to product planning, then to product engineering and process engineering, thereby preparing for mass production.

Organizations structure product development in various ways. Functional organizations specialize but may face inter-departmental coordination delays. Project organizations offer flexibility and improved product integration but may struggle to accumulate and reuse technology. Matrix organizations balance both benefits but risk confusion in responsibilities and authority.

Product development management revolves around internal and external integration. It involves problem-solving within the company, working with suppliers and customers, and driving integration through strong leadership. These steps, coupled with concurrent engineering and front-loading, can enhance overall product competitiveness and help meet customer needs.


供应链管理 (3)



产品开发过程包含两个供应链 - 公司间供应链和公司内部供应链。前者涉及供应商、成品制造商、分销商和客户。后者则按照产品概念、产品规划、产品工程和过程工程的顺序进行,从而为大规模生产做好准备。




サプライチェーンマネジメント (3)







office Hana An / 小庵

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