Listed in English, Chinese, and Japanese in that order.
Please note that this is an automatic translation.
- Challenges facing Japan's manufacturing industry and their specific rationale
- 日本制造业面临的挑战及其具体理由
- 日本の製造業の課題とその具体的根拠
Challenges facing Japan's manufacturing industry and their specific rationale
Although Japan's manufacturing industry has a strong global reputation, it still faces multiple challenges. This article introduces the challenges facing Japan's manufacturing industry and the specific rationale behind them.
Labor Shortage
Rationale: Japan's labor force is declining, and the manufacturing industry is facing a growing shortage of workers. According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), the effective ratio of job offers to job seekers in the manufacturing industry in FY2021 is 1.27 times, indicating that the number of job offers continues to exceed the number of job seekers.
Declining Global Competitiveness
Rationale: The competitiveness of the Japanese manufacturing industry is declining amid technological innovation in emerging countries and technological development in other competing countries. In the World Economic Forum's "Competitiveness Ranking," Japan is ranked 27th in 2021, its lowest position ever.
Addressing Environmental Issues
Rationale: Japan has set a goal of virtually zero CO2 emissions by 2050 in accordance with the Paris Agreement, and the manufacturing industry is also expected to work to reduce its environmental impact. However, the manufacturing industry accounts for the largest share of Japan's greenhouse gas emissions in 2020, approximately 21%, among tertiary industries.
Adaptation to Digitalization
Rationale: While IoT, AI, and robotics technologies are becoming increasingly popular worldwide, Japan's manufacturing industry has been slow to adapt to their digitalization. According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the IoT adoption rate in Japan's manufacturing industry in 2021 will be about 30%, which is lower than the average for developed countries.
Supply Chain Vulnerability
Rationale: Supply chain vulnerabilities have become an issue due to risks such as natural disasters and pandemics; the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the 2020 novel coronavirus made many companies keenly aware of their supply chain vulnerabilities. The Great East Japan Earthquake caused a global supply shortage as production of automobiles, electronic components, and other products dropped dramatically due to the shutdown of factories located in the affected areas. In addition, disruptions in international logistics and plant shutdowns due to the spread of the new coronavirus caused supply chain delays and shortages, which had a major impact on the manufacturing industry.
Addressing these issues will greatly contribute to the future development and competitiveness of the Japanese manufacturing industry. Solving issues such as labor shortages and adapting to digitalization are expected to increase corporate efficiency and productivity. In addition, addressing environmental issues and strengthening supply chains will help build a sustainable manufacturing industry. By overcoming these challenges, Japanese manufacturers must maintain and improve their competitiveness in the global market.
理论依据: 日本的劳动力正在减少,而制造业正面临着日益严重的工人短缺问题。根据厚生劳动省(MHLW)的数据,在2021财政年度,制造业的工作机会与求职者的有效比率为1.27倍,表明工作机会的数量继续超过求职者的数量。
理由:在新兴国家的技术革新和其他竞争国家的技术发展中,日本制造业的竞争力正在下降。在世界经济论坛的 "竞争力排名 "中,日本在2021年排名第27位,是其有史以来的最低位置。
理由是: 日本根据《巴黎协定》制定了到2050年二氧化碳排放量几乎为零的目标,而制造业也要努力减少对环境的影响。然而,在2020年日本的温室气体排放中,制造业在第三产业中占比最大,约为21%。
理由是: 虽然物联网、人工智能和机器人技术在全球范围内越来越流行,但日本的制造业在适应其数字化方面却进展缓慢。根据经济产业省(METI)的数据,2021年日本制造业的物联网采用率将约为30%,低于发达国家的平均水平。
根拠: 日本の労働力人口は減少傾向にあり、製造業も人手不足が深刻化しています。厚生労働省によると、2021年度の有効求人倍率は、製造業で1.27倍となっており、求人数が求職者数を上回る状況が続いています。
根拠: 新興国の技術革新や競合他国の技術開発が進む中、日本製造業の競争力が低下しています。世界経済フォーラムの「競争力ランキング」では、2021年の日本は27位と過去最低の順位となっています。
根拠: 日本は、パリ協定に基づき2050年までにCO2排出量を実質ゼロにする目標を掲げており、製造業も環境負荷低減に向けた取り組みが求められます。しかし、2020年の日本の温室効果ガス排出量は第三次産業のうち製造業が最も多く、約21%を占めています。
根拠: 世界的にIoTやAI、ロボット技術の普及が進んでいますが、日本の製造業はそのデジタル化への適応が遅れています。経済産業省によると、2021年の日本の製造業のIoT導入率は約30%と、先進国の平均に比べ低い水準です。
根拠: 自然災害やパンデミックなどのリスクにより、サプライチェーンの脆弱性が課題となっています。2011年の東日本大震災や2020年の新型コロナウイルスの影響で、多くの企業がサプライチェーンの脆弱性を痛感しました。東日本大震災では、被災地にある工場の停止により、自動車や電子部品などの生産が大幅に減少し、世界的な供給不足が発生しました。また、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う国際物流の混乱や工場の操業停止が、サプライチェーンの遅延や欠品を引き起こし、製造業に大きな影響を与えました。
office Hana An / 小庵