office Hana Blogs

office Hana / Quality consulting

Modern Internal Auditing (13) / 现代内部审计 (13) / 現代の内部監査 (13)


Listed in English, Chinese, and Japanese in that order.

Please note that this is an automatic translation.





Modern Internal Auditing (13)

The Importance of Internal Audit in Non-Profit Organizations

In contemporary society, internal audit plays a pivotal role in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting, compliance with laws and regulations, and preservation of assets. This is especially crucial for non-profit organizations, which include governments, local public bodies, and non-profit corporations. Unlike for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations do not distribute the results of their business activities (profits or surplus funds) externally, instead reinvesting surplus funds back into the organization. These organizations can be formed by general associations or general foundations, such as public interest corporations or special laws that grant corporate status, like school corporations, social welfare corporations, NPO corporations, and independent administrative agencies.

Internal Audit in Government Institutions

Within government institutions, internal control is essential to ensure the propriety of accounting and financial management. The internal audit in government institutions is conducted either by an organization set up within the institution or by an independent body, such as the Board of Audit. The positioning of the internal audit mechanism in the accounting section of government institutions varies, with some being independent (the ideal situation), some being a dedicated section within a department, and some being a dual-role type (which presents challenges). The content of the audit includes matters related to discretionary contracts and travel expenses. There are three stages of internal audit: 1. Internal control, 2. Grasping the true state of financial management, and 3. Proactive internal control.

Internal Audit in Local Public Bodies

In local public bodies, audits are conducted either by audit committee members or through external audit contracts.

Key Takeaways

The internal audit function is vital for non-profit organizations, including government institutions and local public bodies, to ensure the effective achievement of internal control objectives. Different models of internal audit exist, each with its own challenges and benefits. Ultimately, the aim is to establish a proactive internal control system that not only ensures compliance and financial propriety but also actively contributes to the organization's efficiency and effectiveness.


现代内部审计 (13)




在政府机构内部,内部控制对于确保会计和财务管理的正当性至关重要。政府机构的内部审计或由机构内部设立的组织进行,或由审计委员会等独立机构进行。内部审计机制在政府机构会计部门的定位各不相同,有的是独立的(理想状态),有的是部门内部的专职科室,有的是双重角色类型(这带来了挑战)。审计内容包括与自行决定的合同和差旅费有关的事项。内部审计分为三个阶段: 1. 内部控制,2. 掌握财务管理的真实情况,3. 积极主动的内部控制。






現代の内部監査 (13)







  1. 内部けん制
  2. 経理真実性の把握
  3. 積極的な内部統制






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