office Hana Blogs

office Hana / Quality consulting

Strengths and Weaknesses of Taiwanese Manufacturing / 台湾制造业的优势和劣势 / 台湾製造業の強みと弱み


Listed in English, Chinese, and Japanese in that order.

Please note that this is an automatic translation.





Strengths and Weaknesses of Taiwanese Manufacturing

- Semiconductor industry leadership: Taiwan has a highly competitive semiconductor industry, including TSMC, the world's largest foundry company; TSMC supports global semiconductor demand with cutting-edge miniaturization technology and supply chain management capabilities, and has maintained a neutral position in the U.S.-China confrontation TSMC is a leading semiconductor company in the world, with a strong competitive edge in the semiconductor industry.

- In contract manufacturing services such as EMS and OEM, we have earned the trust of global brand-name companies for our advanced technology and flexible response.

- Entering Emerging Markets: In addition to existing industries such as semiconductors and LCD panels, Taiwanese manufacturers are actively entering emerging industries such as electric vehicles and artificial intelligence (AI). The Taiwanese government has identified these industries as the "six strategic industries" and has put in place support measures, and Taiwanese manufacturers are aiming to gain global competitiveness in these industries.


- Human resource shortage: Taiwan's labor force has been on a downward trend since peaking in 2015, and the aging population and declining birth rate make it difficult to secure human resources for the manufacturing industry. In particular, there is a shortage of human resources with advanced technical and managerial skills, limiting the inflow of human resources from overseas.

- Dependence on China: Taiwan's manufacturing industry is heavily dependent on the Chinese market and transactions with Chinese companies, and there is a risk that the business environment could deteriorate due to the U.S.-China conflict or pressure from the Chinese government. In the semiconductor industry in particular, U.S. sanctions have made it difficult to access the Chinese market, and there is a need to withdraw from China or diversify, but the associated costs and time burdens are significant.

- Low brand strength: Taiwan's manufacturing industry has followed a development model centered on intermediate goods and components, which makes it difficult to communicate with the end consumer market and create brand value.



・半导体行业的领导地位: 台湾拥有极具竞争力的半导体产业,包括全球最大的代工企业台积电;台积电以尖端的小型化技术和供应链管理能力支持全球半导体需求,并在中美对抗中保持中立立场 台积电是全球领先的半导体公司,在半导体行业具有强大的竞争优势。


・进入新兴市场: 除了现有的产业,如半导体和液晶面板,台湾制造商正在积极进入新兴产业,如电动汽车和人工智能(AI)。台湾政府已将这些产业确定为 "六大战略产业",并制定了支持措施,台湾制造商的目标是在这些产业获得全球竞争力。


・人力资源短缺: 台湾的劳动力自2015年达到顶峰后一直呈下降趋势,人口老龄化和出生率的下降使得制造业的人力资源难以保证。特别是,具有先进技术和管理技能的人力资源短缺,限制了海外人力资源的流入

・对中国的依赖性: 台湾的制造业严重依赖中国市场和与中国公司的交易,由于美中冲突或来自中国政府的压力,存在商业环境恶化的风险。特别是在半导体行业,美国的制裁使其难以进入中国市场,有必要退出中国市场或进行多元化发展,但相关的成本和时间负担很重。

・品牌强度低: 台湾的制造业一直遵循以中间产品和零部件为中心的发展模式,这使得它很难与终端消费市场沟通并创造品牌价值。













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